Our Mission

- To engage in continuous self-development.
- To engage in continuous technological innovation.
- To serve others every day.

[To engage in continuous self-development]
- It is our mission to engage in continuous self-development.
- This is accomplished by confronting and overcoming difficult challenges while embracing other ideas and perspectives, and by finding new ourselves while putting ego and pride aside.
[To engage in continuous technological innovation]
- New technologies, business models, and value creation networks are also products of our growth.
- Our mission is to evaluate the needs of our customers and society, and to refine our abilities to deliver the optimal technologies and solutions.
[To serve others every day]
- Mayekawa’s business is connected to the global challenges related to the environment and food.
- Our mission is to help create a society in which all people can live safely, securely, and comfortably by providing solutions for these difficult issues.

Mayekawa’s Sustainability Policy is aligned with our Mission. With a foundation of activities emphasizing strong governance and safety, we will create a beneficial cycle of improvement through self-development, technological innovation and serve others. We will continuously strive to increase our corporate value and resolve social issues through the following practices.
1. We will aim for sustainable development through fair and safe business activities.
2. We will pursue the sustainable personal growth of employees through fulfilling work.
3. We will shape the future with energy and labor-saving technologies.
4. We will continue striving to resolve social issues.
The Mayekawa Group was founded 100 years ago by Kisaku Maekawa in 1923. It has since grown significantly over the years in both reputation and size. As we expect the Group to grow even further over the next 100 years, we have established the “Group Code of Conduct” and the “Code of Conduct for Directors, Officers and Employees”. These are intended to enable all of the Group’s employees with their diverse backgrounds to achieve personal growth through mutual respect and enhancement of each other’s abilities and take on even greater challenges in their work by following a single creed made up of the Group’s mission, vision, and values.

1. Commitment to enhancing corporate value and resolving social issues
The entire Mayekawa Group is committed to fulfilling its social responsibility as a company by securing appropriate profits through business activities, while also enhancing its corporate value and resolving social issues through innovation.
2. Fair business activities
We will observe applicable laws, regulations, and international rules, in letter and in spirit. We will engage in fair and free competition, fair transactions, and responsible procurement. We will also maintain sounds relationships with governing and regulatory bodies.
3. Respect for Human Rights
We will conduct our business activities with respect for the human rights of all people, both inside and outside the company.
4. Appropriate information provision and public relations activities
We will provide customers and other stakeholders with timely and appropriate information about our business, products, and services, earning their trust and ensuring their satisfaction through sincere communication.
5. Rigorous management of risks and confidential information
We will be ready at all times to deal with unforeseen events such as natural disasters, pandemics, terror attacks, and cyberattacks. We will rigorously manage crises and confidential information as necessary to ensure the safety of employees and the continuity of business operations.
6. Developing and providing products and services that offer high social value
We will develop high quality products and services that help resolve global issues in areas such as the environment, including realization of a carbon-free society, food shortages and the energy. We will provide these products and services in high-quality, safe and secure conditions.
7. Work style reforms and working environment enhancement
We will provide all employees with equal opportunities to leverage their abilities and aptitudes and to grow. We will provide an organization where employees can contribute their efforts to the growth of the Company and receive a fair evaluation. We will make each employee’s health our top priority, striving to ensure workplace safety and hygiene and to create a comfortable and rewarding work environment.
8. Promoting environmental preservation, harmony with nature, and participation in societyv
We will ensure that our business activities are in harmony with the global environment, while deepening communication with local communities and contributing to regional economies, cultures, and education.
9. Involvement in the supply chain
The Mayekawa Group’s growth is linked to the growth of its suppliers. Based on this premise, we will promote the Group Code of Conduct in our supply chain as well.
10. Effective internal systems
We will establish a governance system that ensures sound, efficient, and transparent management. We will also establish systems to ensure the ethicality and effectiveness of activities across the entire Mayekawa Group.