Mayekawa has extensive experience in building cold storages in production regions throughout the world.
Consumers’ need or the nature of the products demand not only simple storing but also the function of the logistic
center from cold storages.
In building the most cutting edge cold storages, consideration of energy-saving, safe, and secure is needed not
only in cooling equipment but also in construction, insulation and material handling.
We introduced energy-saving and eco-friendly systems with temperatures of cold, freezing or chilled to suit customers
needs. In a range of ultra-low temperature, -60℃ or below, we offer ultra-low temperature cold storage using the air
cycle system “PascalAir” for tuna/bonito freezing to help preventing global warming. And we also developed the
NH3/CO2 cooling system “NewTon3000” especially for cold storage refrigeration and delivered to many warehouses.
We strive to achieve the optimum design and construction of cold storages in total, focusing on not only the efficiency
of each equipment but also the energy-saving of facilities as a whole.