BETAGRO Supplier Excellence Awards 2022
On Friday, November 18, 2022, Mr.Tsutomu Kamiya, Executive Director of Mayekawa (Thailand) Co., Ltd., was the representative to receive the Supplier Excellence Awards 2022, which was 1 of 6 companies selected based on the results of Excellent work Product quality, price, delivery, service and innovation from Betagro Public Company Limited by Mr.Vasit Taepaisitphongse, Chief Executive Officer and President.
BETAGRO Supplier Excellence Awards 2022, it was held for the first time under the concept of Growing Together with Sustainability to honor partner companies with excellent performance in 2021, as well as participate in business operations according to the principles of corporate governance, especially sustainable procurement policies and principles of sustainable development for Botargo’s business partners The award ceremony was held at the CATTLEYA Event Room, Rama Gardens Hotel.
Mayekawa (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has a strategy for creating innovation for sustainability by using the most appropriate systems, machinery, and technology. At the same time, working side by side with customers under the concept of “Live & Grow Together” Mayekawa aims to create new innovations and creativity to meet customer satisfaction throughout the 35th year of business operations in Thailand.